9 Tips For Chest Binding As A Plus Size Person
9 Tips For Chest Binding As A Plus Size Person from www.bustle.com

As a person who identifies as non-binary, I often struggle with feeling dysphoric about my chest. I have a larger chest size, which makes it difficult to bind safely and effectively. However, over time, I have learned some tips and tricks that have helped me with chest binding for large chests.

Understanding Chest Binding

Chest binding is the practice of compressing the chest tissue to create a flatter appearance. It is commonly used by transgender, non-binary, and gender non-conforming individuals to alleviate gender dysphoria. Chest binding can be done using specialized binders, sports bras, or compression shirts.

Why is Chest Binding Important?

Chest binding is crucial for individuals who experience gender dysphoria related to their chest. It can help them feel more comfortable in their bodies and improve their mental health. Chest binding can also be a way for individuals to express their gender identity and feel more confident in themselves.

Step by Step Guide for Chest Binding for Large Chests

Here are some steps you can follow to bind safely and effectively with a larger chest size:

  1. Measure your chest accurately to find the right size binder or compression shirt.
  2. Choose a high-quality binder or compression shirt that is designed for larger chest sizes.
  3. Make sure to wear the binder or compression shirt correctly, following the instructions provided.
  4. Take breaks from binding throughout the day to avoid discomfort or pain.
  5. Don’t wear the binder or compression shirt for more than 8-10 hours a day.

Top 10 Tips and Ideas for Chest Binding for Large Chests

Here are some additional tips and ideas for binding with a larger chest:

  1. Experiment with different binders or compression shirts to find the one that works best for you.
  2. Wear looser clothing to help conceal your chest while binding.
  3. Layer clothing to create a more masculine or androgynous appearance.
  4. Use KT tape or trans tape as an alternative to binding.
  5. Stretch and warm up before binding to avoid discomfort or pain.
  6. Stay hydrated and take breaks throughout the day.
  7. Invest in a high-quality binder or compression shirt to avoid discomfort or pain.
  8. Practice good posture to help create a flatter appearance.
  9. Be patient and kind to yourself, as it may take time to find the right method for you.
  10. Consult a healthcare professional if you experience any pain or discomfort while binding.

Pros and Cons of Chest Binding for Large Chests


  • Can help alleviate gender dysphoria related to the chest
  • Can improve mental health and overall well-being
  • Can be a way for individuals to express their gender identity


  • Can cause discomfort, pain, or even injury if done incorrectly or for too long
  • May impact breathing or restrict movement during physical activity
  • May not be effective for individuals with larger chest sizes

My Personal Review on Chest Binding for Large Chests

As someone with a larger chest size, I have found chest binding to be a challenging process. However, with the right methods and tools, I have been able to bind safely and effectively. I have found that investing in a high-quality binder designed for larger chest sizes has been the most helpful for me, along with taking regular breaks and being patient with myself. While chest binding may not be the best option for everyone, it has personally helped me feel more confident and comfortable in my body.

Question & Answer and FAQs

Q: Is chest binding safe for everyone?

A: No, chest binding may not be safe for everyone. It is important to consult a healthcare professional if you experience any pain or discomfort while binding. Individuals with certain medical conditions or chest injuries should avoid chest binding altogether.

Q: Can I bind with a sports bra or regular bra?

A: While it is possible to bind with a sports bra or regular bra, it may not be as effective or safe as using a specialized binder or compression shirt. It is important to choose a binder or compression shirt that is designed for larger chest sizes and follow the instructions provided for safe use.

Q: How long can I safely wear a binder or compression shirt?

A: It is recommended to not wear a binder or compression shirt for more than 8-10 hours a day to avoid discomfort or pain. It is also important to take breaks throughout the day and not wear the binder or compression shirt while sleeping.